Data Strategy 2024-02-22T06:01:41+00:00


Credema CRM (Contact Relationship Management) is a software solution that helps businesses manage their customer interactions, track leads, monitor sales, and analyze customer data. It is an essential tool for businesses that want to build better relationships with their customers, boost productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction. Credema CRM solution provides businesses with a centralized platform for managing all customer-related data, enabling them to access real-time insights into customer behavior and preferences. With Credema, businesses can streamline their operations, automate repetitive tasks, and improve customer engagement, leading to increased sales and revenue.

With CRM, you can take your business to next level. As CRM will help you to track customer interactions, store customer information, and automate processes to provide better customer service. It is important because it will help you to understand your customers’ needs, provide better customer service, and increase sales.

Credema CRM can help your business improve customer relationships, streamline operations, increase sales, and improve teamwork. With a centralized database for customer-related data, Credema’s CRM is customizable to meet the unique needs of your business.

Ok, so you noticed? This is very important question that explains our core business ideology. Usually, the term “customer” in CRM refers specifically to people who have already made a purchase from a business, whereas the term “contact” can include a broader range of individuals with whom a business may interact, including potential customers, leads, suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders.

By using the term “contact” instead of “customer”, we are emphasizing the importance of building and managing relationships with all stakeholders in a business, not just those who have already made a purchase. This approach recognizes that a business’s success depends not only on its ability to attract and retain customers, but also on its ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with other key players in its ecosystem.

Also, the term “contact” implies a more personalized and human-centered approach to relationship management, which is increasingly important in today’s business landscape. By focusing on contacts, businesses can take a more holistic and proactive approach to relationship management, rather than simply reacting to customer complaints or inquiries. This can help businesses build stronger, more meaningful relationships with all stakeholders, leading to greater loyalty, trust, and long-term success.

This is why we prefer to call it a Contact Relationship Management tool.

At Credema CRM, we aim to simplify and streamline the daily tasks of businesses by offering a comprehensive web-based system that manages sales, marketing, and operations. Our user-friendly platform merges valuable tools into a single package, making it easier for SMBs to manage their business effectively.

Credema’s CRM support services can help your business in several ways. We can help you choose (read customize) the right CRM software that meets your business needs, set it up and tailor it to fit your business processes, train your team to use it effectively, provide ongoing support and maintenance, and help you analyze customer data to improve your business operations.

Whether you are a building contractor, consultant, lawyer, or belong to a networking or membership organization, Credema CRM is designed to assist you in managing your business operations effectively. Our system is versatile and can be customized to suit the needs of businesses of all types, including non-profits and startups. From small-scale operations with just one employee to large corporations with up to a thousand employees, Credema CRM provides you with the necessary tools to simplify your daily business activities.

Credema CRM is a software built in the cloud, so you can access your data as long as you’re connected to the Internet. Your data is safe and secure and readily available for your use no matter where you are. You don’t have to download anything.

Credema’s support team is happy to help you and your team 24/7. Our teams are located in more than 10 countries and follow different time lines, which means that any point of time, some or the other team will always be online to help you.

Give us a call, chat with us, sent an email or jump on our website and fill out a support ticket. We are here to help and go out of our way to make sure you are successful with Credema CRM.

Getting started is easy. Just get in touch with our customer support team. They will take care of everything.  If you want to explore on your own, you can try our free trial that will introduce you to world of opportunities that Credema CRM has to offer.

However, in order to give you a context, below are some timelines created as per our experience:

  • Within 15 minutes, you can build a landing page or use a template to build a professional email
  • Within an hour, you can build a full website, launch an email newsletter, lead capture form, or set up a phone tree
  • Within a couple hours, you can have your full web-based contact management system handled by Credema, with unlimited user-defined data fields, custom layouts, and tags
  • Within the day, you can set up a website signup form auto-responder campaign, design a drip campaign, organize your entire company’s projects, build a knowledge base, and implement a support ticketing system
  • Within a week, your full customized CRM can be in place, complete with marketing automation, mobile marketing, workflows, and more
  • Credema CRM has endless possibilities to help your business thrive. Don’t forget we have account setup programs available to help you get up and running in no time. When you succeed, our mission is fulfilled.

Yes, we take data privacy and security very seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your customer data and ensure that it is only accessible by authorized personnel. We also comply with all relevant data protection regulations.

No, you do not need technical expertise to use our CRM software. However, it can be helpful to have some basic technical knowledge to set up and customize the software. That’s why our CRM support services include training and ongoing support to help you and your team use the software effectively.

Yes of course. In fact, this is what we do best. We can integrate CRM software with other business tools such as email marketing software, social media platforms, and accounting software. This can help you streamline your business operations and improve customer relationships.




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